Golang : How to setup a disk space used monitoring service with Telegram bot
Ok, writing this simple example for a friend. She wants to create a simple Telegram notification/alert for her company's system administrator to use. Basically, this is a simple program that will check a server's disk used percentage every 15 seconds.
If the disk usage percentage exceeded a threshold, start notifying the system administrator via Telegram message.
To get this program to run, you will need to supply your own Telegram Bot token
and chat ID
Here you go!
package main
import (
tgbotapi "gopkg.in/telegram-bot-api.v4"
func main() {
telegramBotToken := ""
telegramChatID := ""
fmt.Println("Telegram configurations")
fmt.Println("BotToken : ", telegramBotToken)
fmt.Println("ChatID : ", telegramChatID)
bot, err := tgbotapi.NewBotAPI(telegramBotToken)
if err != nil {
} else {
log.Printf("Telegram authorized on account %s with chat ID %s\n", bot.Self.UserName, telegramChatID)
log.Println("Type /help in your Telegram app to see the available commands.", bot.Self.UserName, telegramChatID)
telegramChatID64, _ := strconv.ParseInt(telegramChatID, 10, 64) // use base 10 for sanity
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(telegramChatID64, "Disk usage monitor Bot started!")
msg.ParseMode = "markdown"
go diskUsageMonitor(bot, telegramChatID64)
select {} // cause this program to run forever until termination
func diskUsageMonitor(bot *tgbotapi.BotAPI, telegramChatID64 int64) {
diskStat, err := disk.Usage("/")
if err != nil {
sizeGB := 1 << (10 * 3)
counter := time.Tick(time.Duration(15) * time.Second) // poll every 15 seconds
for range counter {
total := float64(diskStat.Total) / float64(sizeGB)
used := float64(diskStat.Used) / float64(sizeGB)
free := float64(diskStat.Free) / float64(sizeGB)
log.Printf("Total disk space : %s bytes or %.2f GB\n", strconv.FormatUint(diskStat.Total, 10), total)
log.Printf("Used disk space : %s bytes or %.2f GB\n", strconv.FormatUint(diskStat.Used, 10), used)
log.Printf("Free disk space : %s bytes or %.2f GB\n", strconv.FormatUint(diskStat.Free, 10), free)
log.Println("Pecentage of disk space used : ", strconv.FormatFloat(diskStat.UsedPercent, 'f', 2, 64), "%")
if diskStat.UsedPercent > 60.0 { // harcoded here, you probably might want to make it adjustable from a config file.
data := "Pecentage of disk space used : " + strconv.FormatFloat(diskStat.UsedPercent, 'f', 2, 64) + "%"
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(telegramChatID64, data)
msg.ParseMode = "markdown"
References :
See also : Golang : Get hardware information such as disk, memory and CPU usage
By Adam Ng(黃武俊)
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