Golang : Format numbers to nearest thousands such as kilos millions billions and trillions


You want to format a given number to the nearest thousands such as kilos, millions, billions, and trillions. For example, rounding up a counter number similar to the Facebook or Twitter share button. Or perhaps, your fintech startup is servicing multiple currencies from millions to billions to trillions and you want to truncate the numbers for easier reading and digesting. How to do that?


The code that follows should be able to convert both positive and negative numbers to the nearest thousands up to trillions. What it does is to figure out how many parts of the number are in 1000 block and base on the number of 1000 blocks, pick the appropriate measurement, such as k for kilos, m for millions and so on. It will leave any number less than 999.5 rounded by mostly unmolested.

Here you go!

 package main

 import (

 // credit to https://github.com/DeyV/gotools/blob/master/numbers.go
 func RoundPrec(x float64, prec int) float64 {
  if math.IsNaN(x) || math.IsInf(x, 0) {
 return x

  sign := 1.0
  if x < 0 {
 sign = -1
 x *= -1

  var rounder float64
  pow := math.Pow(10, float64(prec))
  intermed := x * pow
  _, frac := math.Modf(intermed)

  if frac >= 0.5 {
 rounder = math.Ceil(intermed)
  } else {
 rounder = math.Floor(intermed)

  return rounder / pow * sign

 func NumberFormat(number float64, decimals int, decPoint, thousandsSep string) string {
  if math.IsNaN(number) || math.IsInf(number, 0) {
 number = 0

  var ret string
  var negative bool

  if number < 0 {
 number *= -1
 negative = true

  d, fract := math.Modf(number)

  if decimals <= 0 {
 fract = 0
  } else {
 pow := math.Pow(10, float64(decimals))
 fract = RoundPrec(fract*pow, 0)

  if thousandsSep == "" {
 ret = strconv.FormatFloat(d, 'f', 0, 64)
  } else if d >= 1 {
 var x float64
 for d >= 1 {
 d, x = math.Modf(d / 1000)
 x = x * 1000
 ret = strconv.FormatFloat(x, 'f', 0, 64) + ret
 if d >= 1 {
 ret = thousandsSep + ret
  } else {
 ret = "0"

  fracts := strconv.FormatFloat(fract, 'f', 0, 64)

  // "0" pad left
  for i := len(fracts); i < decimals; i++ {
 fracts = "0" + fracts

  ret += decPoint + fracts

  if negative {
 ret = "-" + ret
  return ret

 func RoundInt(input float64) int {
  var result float64

  if input < 0 {
 result = math.Ceil(input - 0.5)
  } else {
 result = math.Floor(input + 0.5)

  // only interested in integer, ignore fractional
  i, _ := math.Modf(result)

  return int(i)

 func FormatNumber(input float64) string {
  x := RoundInt(input)
  xFormatted := NumberFormat(float64(x), 2, ".", ",")
  return xFormatted

 func NearestThousandFormat(num float64) string {

  if math.Abs(num) < 999.5 {
 xNum := FormatNumber(num)
 xNumStr := xNum[:len(xNum)-3]
 return string(xNumStr)

  xNum := FormatNumber(num)
  // first, remove the .00 then convert to slice
  xNumStr := xNum[:len(xNum)-3]
  xNumCleaned := strings.Replace(xNumStr, ",", " ", -1)
  xNumSlice := strings.Fields(xNumCleaned)
  count := len(xNumSlice) - 2
  unit := [4]string{"k", "m", "b", "t"}
  xPart := unit[count]

  afterDecimal := ""
  if xNumSlice[1][0] != 0 {
 afterDecimal = "." + string(xNumSlice[1][0])
  final := xNumSlice[0] + afterDecimal + xPart
  return final

 func main() {
  num := 10
  fmt.Println(num, " = ", NearestThousandFormat(float64(num)))

  num2 := 100.00
  fmt.Println(num2, " = ", NearestThousandFormat(num2))

  num3 := 1000
  fmt.Println(num3, " = ", NearestThousandFormat(float64(num3)))

  num4 := 10000.00
  fmt.Println(num4, " = ", NearestThousandFormat(num4))

  num5 := 3123456789.12 // billion
  fmt.Println(num5, " = ", NearestThousandFormat(num5))

  num6 := 999.4
  fmt.Println(num6, " = ", NearestThousandFormat(num6))

  num7 := -372712
  fmt.Println(num7, " = ", NearestThousandFormat(float64(num7)))

  num8 := -37271922
  fmt.Println(num8, " = ", NearestThousandFormat(float64(num8)))

  num9 := -198
  fmt.Println(num9, " = ", NearestThousandFormat(float64(num9)))



10 = 10

100 = 100

1000 = 1.0k

10000 = 10.0k

3.12345678912e+09 = 3.1b

999.4 = 999

-372712 = -372.7k

-37271922 = -37.2m

-198 = -198

Happy counting and coding!





  See also : Golang : How to convert a number to words

By Adam Ng

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