Golang : Extract part of string with regular expression
Below is a simple example of how to extract a specific part of a string with the help of regular expression. For example, we are interested in extracting the part that starts with #$
from couple of strings such as
#$q4 revenue for 2017
revenue #$q2 for 2017
2017 revenue is #$q3
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
str1 := "#$q4 revenue for 2017"
str2 := "revenue #$q2 for 2017"
str3 := "2017 revenue is #$q3"
// regular expression pattern
regE := regexp.MustCompile("\\#\\$q[1-4]")
fmt.Println(regE.FindAllString(str1, -1))
fmt.Println(regE.FindAllString(str2, -1))
fmt.Println(regE.FindAllString(str3, -1))
str4 := []string{str3, str1, str2}
for k, v := range str4 {
fmt.Println(k, regE.FindAllString(v, -1))
0 [#$q3]
1 [#$q4]
2 [#$q2]
By Adam Ng
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