Golang : Convert date or time stamp from string to time.Time type
Problem :
You have dates or time stamps in string format(usually from database) and you want to convert them into time.Time
type. How to do that?
Solution :
Use time.Parse()
function to convert dates or time stamps from string format to time.Time
For example :
package main
import (
func main() {
// convert time string to time.Time type
timeStampString := "Dec 29, 2014 at 7:54pm (SGT)"
layOut := "Jan 2, 2006 at 3:04pm (MST)"
timeStamp, err := time.Parse(layOut, timeStampString)
if err != nil {
hr, min, sec := timeStamp.Clock()
fmt.Printf("Clock : [%d]hour : [%d]minutes : [%d] seconds \n", hr, min, sec)
year, month, day := timeStamp.Date()
fmt.Printf("Date : [%d]year : [%d]month : [%d]day \n", year, month, day)
Sample output :
Clock : [19]hour : [54]minutes : [0] seconds
Date : [2014]year : [12]month : [29]day
See also : Golang : Convert Unix timestamp to UTC timestamp
By Adam Ng
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