Golang : Aligning strings to right, left and center with fill example


You are so used to Python way of aligning text strings such as ljust(), rjust() and center() and Golang's text/tabwriter is not what you are looking for. So how to align text strings in Golang?


Write your own functions with help from strings.Repeat() function. For example:

 package main

 import (

 func rightjust(s string, n int, fill string) string {
 return strings.Repeat(fill, n) + s

 func leftjust(s string, n int, fill string) string {
 return s + strings.Repeat(fill, n)

 func center(s string, n int, fill string) string {
 div := n / 2

 return strings.Repeat(fill, div) + s + strings.Repeat(fill, div)

 func main() {
 str := "Hello World!"
 fmt.Println("Original : ", str)

 fmt.Println("Adjust 20 spaces right : [" + rightjust(str, 20, " ") + "]")

 fmt.Println("Adjust 20 spaces left : [" + leftjust(str, 20, " ") + "]")

 fmt.Println("Center 10 spaces : [" + center(str, 20, " ") + "]")

 fmt.Println("Center * fill : [" + center(str, 10, "*") + "]")




  See also : Golang : concatenate(combine) strings

By Adam Ng

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