Apt-get to install and uninstall Golang
For this short tutorial, we will learn how to install, uninstall Golang with apt-get. We will also explore an interesting program that was created just to manage Golang installations and dependencies - GMV ( Go Version Manager ).
to install Golang
>sudo apt-get install golang
then confirm that the installation is ok
>go version
go version go1.4.2 linux/amd64
to uninstall Golang
>sudo apt-get remove golang
If you prefer use GVM ( https://github.com/moovweb/gvm ), the commands are
>gvm install go1.4.2
>gvm use go1.4.2 --default
to uninstall Golang and GVM
>gvm implode
See also : Mac OSX : Homebrew and Golang
By Adam Ng
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